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Introduction to social media for high-quality interactive radio programs

March 21, 2025

Social media such as Facebook, X (formerly Twitter), Tik Tok, and others have had an undeniable impact on the way information is disseminated on the radio, on news consumption habits, and on broadcasters’ practices in terms of both programming and on-air broadcasting. This practical guide provides basic information on how to use social media in interactive radio programming.

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Radio documentaries

July 16, 2024

What is a radio documentary? Radio documentaries come in many different forms, but the best radio documentaries all have one…

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Webinar video: Best practices for call-in programs

June 17, 2024

As a broadcaster, you want your radio program to be interactive, allowing your audience to join the conversation. Call-in programs are a great way to get the voices of your audience into your radio program. Watch the recording from our webinar to learn about Call-in best practices for interactive radio programs.

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How to create an effective call-in program

May 27, 2024

A call-in is a radio format that gives many listeners an opportunity to comment live on a topic of interest. A call-in can be one segment within a radio program, or it can be a radio program on its own. “Phone-in” is often used in place of “call-in.” The two terms mean the same thing.

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