How to create radio spots

Radio spots are short (usually 15-60 second) radio pieces that deliver one single, clear message. They can be presented in various formats, but two of the most common are straightforward announcements—also called Public Service Announcements or PSAs—and short dramas.

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Working remotely as a radio broadcaster

Sometimes, radio broadcasters can’t report a story on-location or by meeting face-to-face with the people involved. But news media are considered an essential service in most countries, and this means that radio broadcasters will need to practise safe methods of continuing to report, but from a distance.

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Planning and producing effective emergency programming: COVID-19

As countries around the world take action in response to COVID-19, good reporting practices are important to dispel myths, stop misinformation, and address fake news. Good reporting practices are also important to ensure that people stay calm in a time of emergency and take appropriate action to respond.

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Audio editing

What is audio editing? Audio editing is the process of electronically shortening, deleting, rearranging, or cutting audio into segments. How can it help me serve my listeners better? My listeners will hear only what is important and necessary to the story. My listeners won’t get bored by statements or explanations that go on too long.…

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